Social Security pays benefits that are on average equal to about 40 percent of what you earned before retirement.
Northwest's cuts equal 11 percent of its work force of 44,000 people.
States ended the 2004 fiscal year with balances totaling $25.3 billion, equal to 4.8 percent of state spending.
The guideline requires capital to equal 8 percent of risk-adjusted assets by 1992.
The official unemployment rate is 5.2 percent - roughly equal to the average for the Clinton years.
Expenses for the new funds are expected to equal 0.25 percent of assets a year.
Had these shares, equal to 3.75 percent of the company's value, been divided among all employees, each would have received $113,000.
Blacks are a minority equal to whites, about 5 percent each.
He noted that Morgan's annual compensation costs now equal 49.6 percent of net revenues, the highest level since 1987.
The agreement saw Cintra reducing its share to an equal 35 percent.