He supported the notion of a unified public school system and supported equal educational standards.
In Gaines' case, he held that the separate but equal standard was satisfied by the availability of an out-of-state legal education at state expense.
"With four different ways of casting votes, there's no way you can have equal standards for counting votes."
Some, like the Carrier Corporation, are calling for more equal standards.
That's where the equal standard of exchange helps us-one monetary system all over Venus.
The longer the relationship, the greater the presumption that the parties should have an equal standard of living.
However at peak times it may be necessary to use other hotels of equal standard.
Brown reported here his superiors treated him fairly and held others to equal standards.
Do we really have equal standards - at least minimum standards - of hygiene, which enable us to fight disease and beat it?
I support amendments to the effect that those applying equal or higher standards must be free to do so.