Five minutes afterward, and the horses were swimming; the current alone carried them along with tremendous force, and with a swiftness equal to their fastest gallop; they must have gone fully twenty miles an hour.
For one breath-holding moment, Margo saw Farman's mansion loom against the emerald setting; then, with equal swiftness, the whole picture was blotted out.
Johnny copied him-and was parried with equal swiftness.
He flew towards the cry with the rapidity of lightning, and was followed by Don Ramirez with equal swiftness.
Vaughn moved with equal swiftness, recognizing his opportunity.
"Because they took us for robots," was Meech's answer, which was returned with equal swiftness.
The dinner begins with fresh fettuccine noodles (purchased from a pasta shop) that are boiled but briefly, then dressed with equal swiftness in a sauce of cream, fresh peas and mint.
"I'm with you," said Rhodan with equal swiftness.
Taking long strides, his arms hanging loosely and his head thrust slightly forward, he walked quickly up and down while his mind worked with equal swiftness.
Fighting fatigue, he reached the control room quickly and with an equal swiftness grasped the controls he needed in order to complete the success of his mission.