It's not as if the Jets have replaced those seven players with better or even equal talent.
If only they could both sing together, the two of them friends at last, joined by their equal talents.
Last night's game was simply a contest between two great teams with equal talent and equal desire.
Charlie - 1 year 3 months ago wow two women with equal talent.
Nor can we deny that many more people of equal or greater potential talent must now be alive and active somewhere on this planet.
"After all, there is no one eke of equal talent you could replace me with."
However, it is also true that the dancers and members of the entooourage have equal talents.
Not often do artists exhibit such separate but equal talents.
If the slotbacks are not of equal talent, then a defense can predict which direction the play will develop.
And in jazz, a young black saxophonist is arguably more valuable to a record company than a white one of equal talent.