Separatist militants attacked a second prison on 10 February and the Portuguese reaction was equally brutal.
In smaller communities, the terror has reportedly been less technological but equally brutal, with men shot and maimed, houses and barns burned.
Equally brutal is the routine play-by-play battle for physical and psychological domination.
There were, and are, equally brutal and potentially more dangerous dictators in power elsewhere.
Chetnik Serb vengeance, in return, was equally brutal.
But there are many others in the trade, men equally savage, equally brutal, who would like to dethrone the Vulture and become number one themselves.
With an equally brutal and obscene caress, he pushed me inside and snapped the door lock.
The prisoners building the new mine faced equally brutal and exhausting work.
The settlers' response to these attacks was equally brutal at times.
The baron was equally brutal when it came to his own limitations, aware that he was self-centered and emotionally cold.