None other thought every human equally deserving.
They are equally deserving - they sometimes give coupons to State schools for sports equipment.
We just might find that death is a process equally deserving of celebration, as much as when we come into this world.
Mozi is known for his insistence that all people are equally deserving of receiving material benefit and being protected from physical harm.
And if it were to change, we would hope it would be changed to something that is equally deserving of such an honor.
The report rightly addresses other issues that are equally deserving of support, but due to lack of time I cannot explain these here.
The Union for the Mediterranean is losing momentum and is equally deserving of our attention.
Both crimes were seen as equally deserving of the death penalty.
Every time a pet is placed it displaces another one equally deserving that will never find a home and will eventually have to be destroyed.
"I think they're equally deserving," he said diplomatically.