William, equally disturbed by the treatment of the abbot, raised the feudal host and took to the offensive.
She glanced up sharply, being equally disturbed by his choice of words and the blunt tone he had used to say them.
Stewart, who found her, is initially distraught, and his screams bring the other men, who are equally disturbed.
But black students say they are equally disturbed by the apparent indifference of Mr. Sevransky's listeners.
Lieutenant Rupert Mahaffey was equally disturbed at the Guards' slow advance.
Immediately, Ptosphes became equally disturbed.
He looked at Newander, who was equally disturbed.
The admiral was equally disturbed when Tom succeeded in reaching him.
Another party with a strong interest in the decision, the office of Mayor David N. Dinkins, was equally disturbed at the report.
She could tell that he was equally disturbed.