The forest was so close to the sea, one could not advance without entering it, and once within its dark arcades every way looked equally gloomy and hopeless.
They went up an equally gloomy stairway, smelling of ancient cabbage and potato.
"As have I,"Stanton said in equally gloomy tones.
A silence falls, as long as the tunnels that run beneath the Hudson, and equally gloomy.
Ushering Lenfield into the equally gloomy seance room, Xanadu merely glanced at the dim corners.
Joanna looked equally gloomy.
One of those decadent Romantics who wrote bad poetry about death and decay, and held private absinthe parties for his equally gloomy friends.
An Army officer was equally gloomy.
I have become thoroughly exhausted with thoughts of fate, destiny, justice, and other, equally gloomy topics over the past few days.
Mr. Rosenzweig is equally gloomy: "There is no shining star in the Imagistics portfolio."