Equally helpful, he said, would be advice on constitutional law and institutional development, "even though the systems in Europe and America are very different."
Some sort of accommodation with those who are owed Mexico's $103 billion foreign debt would be equally helpful.
An equally helpful step would be to make sure the libraries are open at times when people, especially students, can actually use them.
It is not clear from the study whether phone counseling will be equally helpful for everyone with depression.
Large shops and department stores will be equally helpful.
After several attempts to reach him, we decided that a talk with the hospital chaplain would be equally helpful.
When I called to make my reservations, the staff was equally helpful and informed.
The intelligently chosen photographs are equally helpful in painting a picture of both the performers and their eras.
The methods mentioned here seem to be equally helpful.
I said "Oh," or something equally helpful, then added.