Then I was on a delivery all afternoon, a load of perfectly hideous French country furniture for an equally hideous split-level chateau in Syosset.
The Creature tries to persuade Victor to create an equally hideous female companion for him.
Then she saw another ghoul emerge from the tomb, a smaller but equally hideous fiend with the exact same face.
Geordi braced himself, certain that it was going to leap off diagonally or in some other equally hideous direction.
She hadn't known what was coming, but had imagined morphs or something equally hideous.
Now for the first time Tarzan was able to obtain a good view of the snake-men and their equally hideous mounts.
The view looked across a concrete courtyard from the thirteenth floor of a planning disaster, a delicious confection of grey concrete and dirty glass, to another, equally hideous architectural gem.
And beside him, equally hideous, stood two powerful hyenas--carrion-eaters consorting with carrion.
'Turn it into a theme bar or something equally hideous.'
Before the claws could rend his flesh, a second shape, equally hideous, appeared.