The Clinton side was equally persistent, he said.
Equally persistent over the millenniums have been attempts to explain just why circumcision is done.
But the United States has also been an equally persistent opponent of greater power sharing with Japan in the governance of these institutions.
Whether or not there is demand, in other words, there is endless supply, and an equally persistent willingness to tap into it.
She paid this no heed, no more than she did the equally persistent calls of admiration or inquiries as to her price.
Now, although there were no signs of any elephants, the shop was besieged by crowds of equally persistent villagers competing with each other to be served.
Mr. Clinton has been equally persistent in trying to immunize children against measles, mumps, polio and other diseases.
Then I became suddenly aroused to the fact that my efforts to retain it were resisted by some equally persistent force, and letting it go, I was horrified at seeing it swiftly drawn under the couch.
There is an equally persistent infatuation with meticulous game preparation; yet a number of meticulously prepared teams will soon be eliminated from the playoffs.
And the equally persistent rumors that Haarahld and his ministers have succeeded in evading their rightful tithes.