And the smaller ones, equally as puzzling.
There was an equally puzzling solo for Miss MacDougal that ended in a transcendent moment of exaltation.
There is much reason to believe that the Little People found the Earthmen equally puzzling, that they, too, had assumed that their pattern of existence must be mirrored in others.
'Ock-ock-oo,' he said, beginning to laugh, and added a few more equally puzzling words.
The results are enigmatic little scenes not clarified by their equally puzzling titles.
- a lesser, but equally puzzling question may now be added: Why would the National Actors Theater willingly choose to revive "The Flowering Peach"?
Equally puzzling, some emergency room personnel who worked on Ms. Ramirez said they suffered no ill effects.
This more comprehensive analysis of the origins of the anomeric effect has also resulted in a better understanding of the related, and equally puzzling, reverse anomeric effect.
Mr. Dole's other mistakes of tactics and principle seem equally puzzling and equally avoidable.
And, equally puzzling, why are minority leaders not bothered by this development?