Additionally, the average of any given population may have a questionable correlation with its general health, thus the relevance of such average values is equally questionable.
Equally questionable is Brokaw's attempt to contrast the values of the World War II generation with those of later generations.
Other equally questionable methods exist for meeting education obligations.
However, this may mean that one comment gets removed while other equally questionable posts in the thread are allowed to remain.
Equally questionable is our enthusiasm for solar panels.
Mr. Perry's second recommendation seems equally questionable.
I agree that it's unlikely to work, but the "book drop" is equally questionable.
Equally questionable is the idea of taking into account the duration of the asylum procedure when calculating entitlement to a residence permit.
Equally questionable are the settlement rates which the banks will be charging each other. There seems to be no element of competition there at all.
After all, Norway had seen other claimants, since Harald Gille, whose paternity was equally questionable.