They are equally revered by Shrigondekars.
Her comedy is revered equally by couch potatoes and cultural arbiters who place her in the pantheon alongside Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin and the Marx Brothers.
The area has a Sikh Gurudwara, a Hindu temple, a Christian church, and the tomb of a Muslim peer, all of which are equally revered by the residents.
Revered equally by Muslims and Hindus, he is also considered one of the fifteen Sikh bhagats.
The hill is equally revered by the Jains who believe that their 12th Tirthankara attained nirvana at the summit.
According to the Quran, Islam historically has no conflict whatsoever with other monotheistic religions as all previous prophets are mentioned as 'Muslims' in Islam and they are equally revered as the Quran states:
Of these five, four are equally revered in Mormonism, with two uniquely Mormon scriptures, the Book of Abraham and the Book of Moses attributed to two of them.
She is equally revered by Hindus, Jains and the Buddhists.
It is one of the most revered shrine for Muslims in India and is equally revered by Hindus and Muslims.
It was assumed to have been put there by a god or by the ancestors, either to be equally revered.