All had done something equally sensible; they had cut their hair very short, right at chin level.
Other compromises were equally sensible.
The four volumes are not equally sensible in their introductions or translations.
Doing something equally sensible?
Jag hoped the darmats would be equally sensible.
On the environment, Mr. Bush is equally sensible.
It is equally sensible for you, too, to be in membership of a trade union representing you on the appropriate negotiating body, and you are encouraged so to do.
OK, the very first Cambrian fauna included a plethora of alternative possibilities, all equally sensible and none leading to us.
After a year when bread, lentils and basic cookbooks made news, 1990 will probably be filled with equally sensible food.
Equally sensible was the fact that Moyland would not have given any details over the lobby phone.