"I am quite certain that Lord Crompton's servants shall look equally splendid."
All of this brilliance is an appropriate backdrop for India's cuisine - equally splendid in its varied flavors.
Equally splendid in newly polished armour, they marched on either side of Mara's litter.
Yet there are equally splendid, if somewhat more subtle displays put on by certain trees that always seem to get short shrift.
Equally splendid was an individual chocolate cake filled with hazelnut ice cream.
Slightly to one side waited Mayerd, equally splendid, with the Medical sash crossing her chest.
Other waterfalls found in the area and nearby are equally splendid.
The Gaul who faced Spartacus (they were the third pair on) was a good match for him; a little taller, equally splendid of body.
New York, one of the world's greatest cities, would have an equally splendid rail service, except for the other conspiracy.
Beside him sat Prince Crispin, equally splendid in amber vel- vet.