A battle of wills ensues between the equally stubborn father and his offspring.
He is a very stubborn man and, in my own way, I am equally stubborn.
"Well, and good luck to him," said Marcia, equally stubborn.
He starts off as a sneering, brutal character, willing to fight it out to-the-death with his equally stubborn companion.
If Noni was equally stubborn, then there were fireworks ahead.
The Burmese military junta is equally stubborn.
Sage and Diana fight each other but neither is yielding; they are too evenly matched and equally stubborn.
Suddenly Kellen realized that there was more at stake here than one stubborn old woman, and an equally stubborn Centaur.
Dawn seemed equally stubborn about not accepting the invitation.
Bruenor's expression showed clearly that it did not, though, and so the equally stubborn dark elf promptly elaborated.