He ended the season with an equally swift stay at Cambridge United, before signing for Rochdale.
On other songs, he would hold three fingers still and get a steadier but equally swift flow of notes from his index finger and thumb.
The operator's human reflexes were equally swift and in control of a superior technology.
The Chairman, in a brief interview, had impressed him with great quickness of mind, and an equally swift temper.
They seemed equally swift, but the nymph tried to run out of the goblin circle, and the goblins wouldn't let her.
Lenfield's stare was equally swift and to his strained imagination, the figure looked real, except that it evaporated as no living thing could have.
And I promise that if it was you under that sheet, your family would have been equally swift in dispatching a representative.
Don had seen seasick passengers undergo equally swift transformations on their return to dry land.
The Russian reaction was equally swift.
Ms. Sullivan got her big break almost immediately, and her ascent within the music industry was equally swift.