Me too," he replied, sounding equally unconvincing, his eyes dancing around the waiting lounge.
Equally unconvincing - and slightly pretentious - were the repeated occasions in both acts when dancers whispered incomprehensible comments to one another.
The testimony which suggests that a bite occurred is equally unconvincing.
Both groups made a great display of ignoring each other, and both were equally unconvincing.
He was equally unconvincing in calling for the acceleration of income tax rate cuts passed by Congress in 2001.
And the main characters in these stories prove equally unconvincing and contrived.
Ms. Belford is equally unconvincing on Wilde's downfall.
Dr. Rho's argument about the lack was "equally unconvincing," Justice Yesawich said.
With the exception of Julie Hale, who has moments as Marion, the rest of the cast is equally unconvincing.
Equally unconvincing, he said, is the movie's dark nocturnal look.