She is very unpopular, and there are a lot of rumours flying about her, often involving equally unpopular Dean.
Leontios proved equally unpopular and was in turn overthrown by Tiberios III (698-705).
McNaughton was soon pressured into calling for conscription despite King's wishes, a popular move for some Canadians but an equally unpopular one for many others.
It was philosophically similar to the MC68008, and equally unpopular.
Back in 1982, the Government concluded that competition was just the thing the equally unpopular banking industry needed.
As I have said on this forum before, Jimmy Carter was equally unpopular, but still polled pretty well right up to the late spring of 1980.
Mr. Ellwood and his deputy, Wendell E. Primus, followed with other suggested cuts, most of which proved equally unpopular.
And unless they change their agenda direction they'll have another Speaker who will become equally unpopular.
My ascetic philosophy was equally unpopular with the base doctors' wives-my own included-who would have liked to enjoy their husbands' company more often.
The IUD and safe period are about equally unpopular in all classes.