The Kaled'a'in are so different from the Imperials that they must seem equally unreal to each other.
The smallest irritants and the greatest tragedies, a pebble in your shoe and World War II, become equally unreal.
Equally unreal is "Train on the Portage Bridge," completed between 1852 and 1875 by an unidentified artist.
Teleri had,no more wish to be Empress of Britannia than she did to rule Rome itself To her, they were equally unreal.
I suppose there will be retaliations, leaving equally unreal people dead in other cities.
Pollan concludes that the fast food meal and the hunter-gatherer meal are "equally unreal and equally unsustainable."
The scene behind us is equally unreal.
Equally unreal is the idea we can get through this with a consensus of the "99%".
And on its way that breeze had leveled out all the ideas that people tried to foist on me in the equally unreal years I then was living through.
After that intensely vivid picture, what followed was more dim and equally unreal.