But his group's report stresses an equally worrisome but more immediate danger: the green-goo problem.
Equally worrisome, Government officials said, are predictions that far fewer Germans will bother to go to the polls next time than in previous elections.
Although this behavior may seem less threatening because of its lack of aggressiveness, it may be equally worrisome.
Equally worrisome is the fact that even once the companies did act in some foreign markets, they refrained from doing so in the United States.
A backlash of popular violence is equally worrisome.
Equally worrisome, agricultural output and manufacturing also declined last year, and the Government budget deficit ballooned.
Of course, the lack of a ready market for these securities, painful as it is for investors, should be equally worrisome to Moran's creditors.
Equally worrisome, it is now a system grown spongy because of prolonged exposure to water.
Equally worrisome is an amendment that would weaken privacy rights and standards for arrest and detention.
The potato salad outbreak is equally worrisome, he said.