He died in a postwar equestrian accident.
Johnson was forced to take an emergency leave from his coaching duties on August 1, 2010, after his youngest daughter was seriously injured in an equestrian accident.
On Palm Sunday, 8 April 1585, after a Lutheran church service in Vörde, riding home Henry met with an equestrian accident, his horse baulked and pitched him.
A further equestrian accident results in the death of Ellie, and Michael is shattered.
On Monday night, the Democrats plan to feature Christopher Reeve, the actor who was paralyzed in an equestrian accident.
An equestrian accident in 1855 hastened his determination to return to England, and in that year he resigned his post in the East India Company.
Or like the actor Christopher Reeve, paralyzed last year in an equestrian accident.
Perreault became a paraplegic, following an equestrian accident in 1993.
Mr. Reeve, the actor best known for his portrayals of Superman, who was paralyzed in an equestrian accident last year, will speak on Monday, the opening night.
When his daughter suffered a near-fatal injury in an equestrian accident the next year and lost a kidney, Loeb refused to speak to her.