As with the other two institutions, the goals were to equip graduates with the skills needed in a modern economy so that they could improve their living standards and those of the community.
The Practical Legal Skills program equips graduates with the knowledge, skills and attributes to practice law while the Professional Work Experience requirement enriches their legal education.
- Youth and Family Ministry Track - designed to equip graduates with the necessary knowledge and relational skills to effectively meet the needs of today's church families.
ICCI equips graduates with practical skills of critical thinking, problem solving and self-directed learning for success in the 21st century job market.
The program was designed to focus on creative thinking and equip graduates with the necessary knowledge to inspire change in the profession and design.
SII strives to equip graduates with academic excellence, professional qualities and life skills to bring the graduates at the top of the employability scale.
The program equips graduates with the knowledge and skills needed to address difficult social problems, meet complex challenges, and enhance public value and innovation.
To promote and support world-class postgraduate training designed to equip graduates for research or other professional careers.
No longer is it enough, many of them say, simply to equip graduates with the academic skills necessary to excel in their chosen careers.
The purpose of these requirements - to equip graduates for the job market - stands in marked contrast to the purpose of their progenitors.