General Ham said the issue is not more American forces, but training and equipping Iraqi police officers and soldiers.
Soon, the movement also incorporated resistance to militia taxes and fees, and to "trophy money" (taxes for equipping soldiers).
To make that happen, the Americans have committed $3 billion to building training sites and regional headquarters and to better equip Iraqi soldiers.
The Army agency responsible for equipping soldiers got swamped by other materials being rushed to Iraq, the inspector general found.
The player starts out with a base where they can add buildings, allocate scientists, equip soldiers and vehicles, manufacture equipment, etc.
Battlemind Training was a military program launched in 2007 that also intended to equip soldiers with the ability to bounce back from adversity, stress, and trauma.
This section defines the people, technology and science used to equip soldiers.
The course trains and equips soldiers with infantry skills and knowledge to command an Infantry section.
Ancient peoples used the sling in combat and armies included specialist slingers, as well as equipping regular soldiers with slings.
In 1914, a committee was set up for the "industrial training of soldiers", underlining the Army's intent to properly equip soldiers for civilian life.