Transmitting equipment belonging to French-owned Canal+ was seized without the government notifying the company.
Much of the military equipment belonging to Soviet units evacuating Eastern Europe was shipped to Afghanistan.
The police said several pieces of electronic equipment belonging to the victims were found in his apartment at 3415 Neptune Avenue.
Dismissed in May 1981 for stealing and selling video equipment belonging to the company.
Under the deal, those among the 12 members that could not afford to buy equipment for themselves would be permitted to use equipment belonging to the other centers.
Work is carried out on equipment belonging to employers who have a legal right to the work product of the employees using it.
My thought is that the equipment belonging to Dr. John Scott can be of real use only to a medical experimenter.
But the tower, which has since been expanded to include equipment belonging to Sprint and Nextel, now stands 117 feet tall.
It is a new type of property known in the industry as a telecom hotel, because it houses equipment belonging to many different telecommunications companies.