The equipment used in this sport has evolved since the sport's creation in order to improve competitor performance.
As he explains in the introduction to his new book, equipment and ingredients have evolved since then, as has the sophistication of the audience.
Mannequins wearing fire coats show how the outfits and equipment have evolved since the 1940's.
Americans must remain patient while the organization purges itself and tactics and equipment evolve.
The city says it insisted on provisions that will keep the two Manhattan systems up to date as new cable services and equipment evolve.
The equipment of kyūdō has evolved from ancient times.
The equipment had evolved and so had the personnel.
However, climbing techniques, equipment and ethical considerations have evolved steadily.
Like its menu, the equipment the company cooks its hamburgers with has also evolved as the company grew.
Nations are facing a more guerilla-style warfare - even at sea, and the equipment must evolve to meet new demands.