Notes have been backed by loans for mobile homes, equipment leases, recreational vehicles and boats.
The transfer did not include eight manufacturing locations, nor many parcels of real estate, nor equipment leases.
This transfer excluded eight manufacturing sites, the majority of real estate holdings, and equipment leases.
Total development costs excluding equipment leases was about $2.5 million and took 18 months with a team of 25 full-time developers.
It's important to discover all the obligations that the business is subject to, including property leases and equipment leases if there are any.
Use the equipment lease vs. buy calculator to help you estimate your costs.
Illinois Central, which is based in Chicago, said it would also assume about $18 million in equipment leases.
Sophisticated credit instruments are predicated upon this legal analysis (including equipment leases discussed in Chapter 13).
Midmark, an Ohio-based maker of medical equipment leases 23,000 square feet of space in the building.
Phoenix Leasing, Inc. provides financing options and management services for commercial equipment leases.