Key constituents will include service providers, equipment providers, applications providers, community groups, and other groups that have a stake in the future of broadband.
As barriers are lowered, local equipment providers, now protected in their own countries, will be forced to compete against outsiders.
Ten companies have been selected as equipment providers for MCHS.
The council's proposals, if adopted, could open opportunities for American and other foreign service and equipment providers in the huge Japanese market.
Be familiar with the equipment and the safety checks established by the medical equipment provider.
His equipment company, Warrior Sports, is a leading equipment provider to professional, collegiate and interscholastic teams and players.
Buzzinbees's distribution channel is very specific: it sells to independent software vendors and equipment providers, as opposed to selling directly to operators.
Further details of the sponsorship include Timex being an official equipment provider to the Giants and working closely with the team to develop new products.
Fisher Engineering is one of the leading snow management equipment providers in the Northeastern United States.
Helped by families like the Smiths, club makers and assorted equipment providers expect sales to reach nearly $4 billion this year, up slightly from last year.