Even old equipment showed how the Israeli engineers thought through problems, and could provide useful clues to newer systems.
Crumbling schools could be revamped and new equipment provided with £4 billion.
The new equipment provided an opportunity to observe the total solar eclipse during the same year.
In sports where fractions of a second separate gold from silver, equipment can provide the winning margin.
Their equipment provides the power necessary for the photolithographic process needed to make the ultrafine wires.
Finally, these equipment also provide for the recovery of traffic in case of a network failure.
The hydroelectric equipment provides 3 megawatts of power for nearby residents.
Nourish says: 'The technical knowledge and equipment to provide adequate containment is available.
He said, "This equipment will provide pilots with an independent backup to the safety devices they already receive from the air traffic control system."
To provide even greater protection, the protective equipment often provides ballistic protection.