Richard Brower, president of the fire officers' union, yesterday called the pact "a fair and equitable agreement."
He said the two parties were simply trying to reach an equitable agreement.
The three said they wanted to include Protestant Unionists in "an equitable and lasting agreement."
When the parties can agree and present the court with a fair and equitable agreement, approval of the divorce is almost guaranteed.
"I'm willing to sit down and negotiate 24 hours around the clock in an attempt to bring about a fair and equitable agreement."
It would like to see "a mutually beneficial and equitable agreement on the establishment of free trade with Russia".
The Convention is the first equitable global agreement that addresses all aspects of biological diversity: genetic resources, species and ecosystems.
We must have equitable agreements with other countries.
You and I are both fair men; I feel sure that we can come to some equitable agreement.
"It is our belief that through negotiations both sides can come to a fair and equitable agreement," said John T. Sloan, the paper's chief spokesman.