Has the requirement for a 10% equity injection been removed as a requirement for applications to be processed under PLP?
You mean when they were handing out debt guarantees and equity injections and so on?
No money was flowing from the big lenders despite Healy's experience, equity injection and his innovative business plan.
Rather than taking the giant banks over and winding them down, two Administrations, one from each party, agreed to give them equity injections and sweetheart debt guarantees.
Altogether, the banks were extended a massive £450bn of funding support and promised up to £50bn of equity injections.
Over the coming years, RJR would pursue a number of additional restructurings, equity injections and public offerings of stock to provide the company with additional financial flexibility.
The equity injections were silly.
In July 1982, the two European partners increased their stake to just over 50% taking control of the business, in exchange for an equity injection needed to stabilize the company's finances.
The energy book and other positions were up for sale; the firm was perhaps looking for a bridge loan or equity injections.
At a meeting with Borden in New York on Wednesday, he talked of an "equity injection" of $200 million to $500 million.