No doubt computer and military hardware are equivalent on some plane.
There was straw or the equivalent on the floor, and a pot whose function he recognized from recent experience.
This would equivalent to around 9.96 on the next generation warp factor scale.
This is equivalent to a supernova explosion every 147 years, on average.
That is roughly equivalent on an annual basis to the other drugs.
F1 was the equivalent to the break key on an Ascii terminal.
That was the mission, to go back to Alaska, or its equivalent on this planet.
But they add that the highest-paying jobs in government tend to pay less than the equivalent on the private side.
The total effect, however, was about equivalent to that of a cloudy day on Earth.
At one point, 1984, 24,128 items, equivalent to more than 10% of the building's issue; though on average about half that.