's victories and the more brilliant era of the Empire.
During the era of the Empire (1804-1814), Sieyès rarely emerged from his retirement.
In the era of the British Empire, it was a zail.
Until the era of the Byzantine Empire, the interior of the enclosure remained exposed to the sky.
Its existence pointed to the division of power in the early era of the Empire between the imperial court and the Senate.
The era of the German Empire is well remembered in Germany as one of great cultural and intellectual vigour.
The town was a destination for political exiles during the era of the Russian Empire.
Crucifixion and crucifixes have appeared in the arts and popular culture from before the era of the pagan Roman Empire.
The Five Good Emperors' rule is considered the greatest era of the Empire.
Russians in Korea do not form a very large population, but they have a history going back to the era of the Korean Empire.