The Commandant was a tall, thin, very erect man whose uniform hung loosely over his shoulders.
Just then the hadonra, Septiem, an old but erect man with the bearing of a retired general, came around the house.
An erect old man, for he'd been four years a soldier in the Union Army.
Robert Turnbull was an erect, handsome man of fifty.
One was an erect man who let one hand rest beside Phraytag's body.
There was only so much intelligent conversation a highly erect man could engage in at one sitting.
An erect, gray-haired man in naval uniform came in.
They were followed by a third Klingon, an erect, proud man, who did not need his command-er's insignia to show who he was.
It was a tall erect man with a briefcase, a man in a gray suit covered by an open topcoat.
He was a dark-skinned erect man in his middle forties, muscularly slender and of medium height.