But an analyst said the gold card's hold on the premium segment of the credit card market had eroded in recent years.
Sony's ability to charge more for its products than its competitors has eroded in recent years.
Overall, their ecologies have eroded in recent years brought about by global restructuring.
But his standing among colleagues has eroded somewhat in recent years, particularly after Republican losses in 1998.
Convincing the boxing world that their skills have not eroded in recent years is an entirely different challenge.
Ratings for made-for-television movies have been eroding in recent years.
The stability that he built during his first two decades in office seriously began to erode in recent years.
Economic forces have eroded population controls in recent years.
As we have seen, the civil and political elements of citizenship have been eroded in recent years.
That means New York would begin with a decided advantage over other states, but it would erode in later years.