In this novel by a Spanish writer preoccupied with the erotic imagination, a tenor and his paramour are together for a while and then they're not.
It has always been floated that the erotic imagination of women - in contrast to that of men - is relatively immune to direct visual stimulus.
The Exodus Trust archives consists of 40 years of collecting and preserving all genres of the erotic imagination.
The film, which is flawed by a clunky melodramatic ending, reminds you of the power and universality of the erotic imagination.
Or is their portentous symbolism just a product of the nervous, erotic imagination of the characters?
And suddenly Helen's erotic imagination, which has been shut down, goes into overdrive.
This suggestive indirection perfectly suits Marías's preoccupation: the erotic imagination.
They are aware of this condition, and proceed from it with a stubbornly erotic imagination.
But as a feminist scholar, I am troubled by how the pornification of America has impoverished the erotic imagination, particularly for women.
Their passion is a comic ode to the rejuvenating powers of the erotic imagination.