A separate definition of Apotemnophilia is erotic interest in being or looking like an amputee.
This separate definition should not be confused with acrotomophilia, which is the erotic interest in people who are amputees.
A faint bell-like note of erotic interest was ringing deep in the back of her mind as she looked.
Phallometry might distinguish men with erotic interests in cross-dressing from non-cross-dressers.
Freund concluded that homosexual men simply lacked erotic interest in females.
Teleiophilia (from Greek teleios, "full grown") is erotic or sexual interest in adults.
The fine arts are concerned with aesthetic qualities and creativity; thus any erotic interest, although often present, is secondary.
For me, the work is of greater formal than erotic interest.
Even Charlotte no longer holds any erotic interest for him.