The advantage of erotic love is the sentimentality of it.
There is an erotic love between a woman and a spectacular automobile.
Did you know that the Nymph is considered the goddess of erotic love?
In the world of things he finds a fulfillment that neither religious discipline nor erotic love could supply.
Price does write about erotic love, both heterosexual and homosexual, because, he says: "It's the most powerful single force in human life.
The fact that he described erotic love in terms of male and female is not a statement about homosexuality.
Rarely has Ashton created so potent an image of erotic love as brought out by these dancers.
Both stories begin with tales of erotic love.
And she maintains they have also failed to write about erotic and romantic love.
Although people believed the statue was a representation of erotic love, it had actually been commissioned as a symbol for Christian charity.