It is, however, likely that these databases are both incomplete and contain small but significant amounts of erroneous data.
The objective of this research is to develop techniques to check and control erroneous data in survey analysis programs of the type just mentioned.
There are basically two ways of controlling erroneous data.
Failure to do so is likely to result in erroneous data being written into the chip during removal from its socket.
This will help identify gaps in terms of missing or erroneous data.
Afflicted machines could crash or, just as dangerously, spew out erroneous data.
On 11 February, erroneous data was suspected to have been put into a flight computer.
Our investigation has shown that the UN position was hit by artillery fire due to incorrect targeting based on erroneous data.
Typically, a bar is dropped across the erroneous data.
Some faulty systems freeze while others continue operating but produce erroneous data or gibberish.