Further, there were erroneous references to older forals by contemporary authors, in particular case, the municipalities of Aguim and Anadia.
In April 2008, the first edition was recalled and reprinted because of erroneous references to a literary work.
ABC executives said on Friday that they believed that the erroneous reference to pesticide tests was the result of honest mistake, though a serious one.
The column also included an erroneous reference from Salon's owners to advertising by the Saturn division of General Motors.
In some copies the caption also included the news agency's erroneous reference to the site.
After the cut, he remained Old Adam throughout, except for a single erroneous reference ("Gideon Crawle, it won't do!")
One of Hersh's assertions on his theme, however, is backed with erroneous references (and remains unsubstantiated).
Indeed he is pressed to correct it - since it contains some inadmissible and erroneous references, mostly to Sim Simych.
A Public Lives profile yesterday about the main author of the study, and an editorial yesterday about capital punishment, included other erroneous references to the finding.
One, an erroneous reference to the release date of "Scary Movie 2," was corrected in the magazine last Sunday.