At Twilight's headquarters, Amy's spell erroneously indicates that Buffy and her friends all drowned when their submarine was sunk.
Some doctors also say the devices result in unnecessary Caesarean sections because they can erroneously indicate that a fetus is in trouble.
This letter erroneously indicated that Weaver's trial date was set for March 20.
During the cold war there were indeed incidents when the machinery of the military erroneously indicated that the United States was under attack.
What inspectors saw were evenly spaced vertical lines, top, erroneously indicating an accurately curved surface.
Roy's map of 1747 does not show Black Loch, however it is clearly marked on Armstrong's map of 1775, with two islands erroneously indicated.
The report indicated erroneously that there would be one-third as much gas put into storage that week as the industry expected, sending energy traders on a buying frenzy.
(Some sources erroneously indicate December 4, 1889, but Jones's marriage license and his military records confirm the 1891 date.)
However, it was previously marked with a black lantern, and some sources erroneously indicate that as the present markings.
Initial reports erroneously indicated 15 people had survived.