Morwongs are also erroneously known as snappers.
An Imperial staircase (sometimes erroneously known as a "double staircase") is the name given to a staircase with divided flights.
Wadsley Bridge (reopened old station, formerly erroneously known as Wadslibridge)
He is also erroneously known as Harutaka.
It was once erroneously known as the Temple of Neptune.
Popularly known erroneously as the 'bulrush'.
Blended whisky, erroneously known as rye whisky, is a combination of straight (at least 20%) and light whisky.
A third series of plates relates to critical studies on fossil mollusks, little or erroneously known, and on their internal casts.
Investigators often use special dogs erroneously known as "accelerant detection canines" trained to smell ignitable liquids.
It is a gram-positive anaerobic bacillus., erroneously known as Bulleidia moorei.