The word 'Mamak' is sometimes erroneously used to describe any Indian restaurant.
The term is sometimes used erroneously for a mere quarter striking mechanism.
Because it may be used erroneously, are men to be told that they ought not to use it at all?
Dictionaries are sometimes used erroneously as sources for examples of circular definition.
The term regime change is sometimes erroneously used to describe a change in the government of the day.
The latter term is sometimes used erroneously to designate Pétain's supporters.
This is often erroneously used to describe a sprint or an ordinary run.
In the past the term "hermaphrodite" was sometimes erroneously used to describe intersex people.
From 1982 to 1983 his wife erroneously used about 24 of these stamps for her private correspondence, which today realize peak prices at auctions.
The term is sometimes erroneously used for populations from other parts of Australia.