Perhaps, but his erstwhile colleagues in the business elite are betting exactly the opposite.
Half-naked and scared, Sviták faced the attacks of the crowd, among them some of his erstwhile colleagues.
After half an hour he went off to watch the match against the Chelsea of Ian Porterfied, his erstwhile colleague.
Villanova and Georgetown, erstwhile colleagues of the Eagles in the Big East, both play today.
Now Araksis faced the same predicament as many of his erstwhile colleagues.
Berlusconi escaped conviction on both counts; his erstwhile colleague was not so lucky, receiving sentences of 11 and five years.
He hoped to team up with his erstwhile colleague, who already dominated the very market he had chosen as the obvious first target.
"Could I speak to you and your two erstwhile colleagues alone, please?"
I therefore think that we should support the initiative of our erstwhile Belgian colleague.
Some of our erstwhile colleagues and friends who lost their jobs, have been unsuccessful in their attempts to acquire gainful alternative employment.