After Douglas admonished Shane, Shane began pushing and slapping his erstwhile mentor.
Placing Mr. Harrison alongside his erstwhile mentors, like pitting Ms. Monk against Crawford Seeger, tacitly put the maverick generations in dialogue.
She wondered coolly how his erstwhile mentors would react once they learned what he'd become, and what they'd be prepared to offer to keep that quiet.
Imprisoning people would become the British economy's only growth sector - finally making us into the country that Cameron and George Osborne's erstwhile mentor Michael Howard dreamed we could be.
His tone was that of my erstwhile mentor.
Rabbi Shmuelevitz's lectures were modeled on the study strategy of his erstwhile mentor, Rabbi Shimon Shkop, personalized in a style of his own.
They included the former lord chancellor, Lord Irvine, widely known as the prime minister's erstwhile mentor.
I asked my erstwhile mentor.
In 1874 Pater was turned down at the last moment by his erstwhile mentor Benjamin Jowett, Master of Balliol, for a previously-promised proctorship.
One feels Mr. Lerner needs more anxiety about the influence of his erstwhile mentor (Johnson).