A media frenzy erupted following the release of this film when Ike claimed to have lied about her age to gain a part in the movie.
In March 2009, a controversy between the Brazilian government and the Catholic Church erupted following a series of excommunications related to a high-profile abortion case.
A public furor erupted last November following introduction of the complicated new W-4 wage withholding form.
Widespread violence erupted in Kenya in December 2007, following disputes over the results of national elections.
I am, however, convinced that father exaggerated the contention between the Gods that supposedly erupted following the destruction of the Marags.
Armed clashes erupted following a rally in support of Syrian protesters.
Tensions finally erupted into violence following an attempted coup by Hutu army officers in October 1965.
A certain amount of controversy erupted following the announcement and subsequent release of the game.
In Burundi, a fierce civil war then erupted between Tutsi and Hutu following the army's massacre.
Controversy frequently erupted following speeches which were considered disloyal to the crown or nationalist in tone.