With the booming sound, a huge piece of earth erupted upward, as if heaved by some invisible giant's hand.
Waterspouts suddenly erupted upward to spin madly for minutes, then dissolve into blinding cascades.
Perhaps it's off to one side and they erupted upward, drifting off in obedience to some internal gravity.
The party ran joyfully up to it--and, startled, the fruits erupted upward, filling the air with color.
Mike watched as the squad formed under the cover of the green waters then erupted upward.
I wondered if they would erupt upward in solid form, lions and tigers and bears, oh my!
It erupted upward suddenly into a cloud of fine particles and a rattle of& bones.
Small geysers erupted upward into the dim white plaster of the ceiling and sprayed in all directions.
Whirling toward the pool, his first impression was of water erupting upward, sending waves crashing against the shore.
The giant tank still managed to slip away as the top of the hill erupted upward under the flailing of the guns.