Their critics contend that over the years the outfitters used their political pull to escape regulation by the Forest Service.
In other instances, cable systems escaped regulation entirely because local governments did not ask the F.C.C. for rate-setting authority.
As a result, virtually all issue advertisements have been able to escape regulation simply by avoiding those words.
Making the report public might lead some building owners to mutilate facades to escape regulation.
(Of course, by their nature, informal economic activities escape regulation but that does not necessarily imply that they are unlawful or criminal).
- President Bill Clinton's administration allowed derivatives to escape regulation with terrible consequences.
He said that guns alone among consumer products had generally escaped regulation.
Rewards range from toy store gift certificates to payments of $200 or more, and the practice escapes federal regulation.
He said the incident points to potential dangers from genetic engineering and the problems associated with American researchers conducting trials overseas, sometimes to escape regulation.
Few technology professionals predict that the Internet will escape regulation altogether.