So while Microsoft may escape taxes this year, its employees will presumably pay tax on that $11.4 billion at ordinary rates.
So there is one way for a single person with a profit of more than $250,000 to escape taxes on selling.
As such, it remains the refuge of retirees and others who are escaping high taxes elsewhere.
He said that all his clients had two things in common - they were rich and they wanted to escape taxes.
Starting in 2013, flexible spending accounts, which allow users to escape taxes on many medical expenses now, will be limited.
This exclusion allows many families to escape taxes on capital gains entirely.
People are now saying that since the upper income can escape taxes, why not make it available to everyone?
Most of us know that the lobster pirates deal in cash only, escaping any and all taxes.
As he says, "Since you can't escape death and taxes, people keep electing me because it makes sense to have one man handle both."
But capital gains on investments escape taxes until they are sold.